Powerful and loving
Heart Powered
A deeply intimate life changing weekend

How may I grow
braver, kinder ,
stronger and wiser?
You're here because you’re “not sure”...
You’re reading this because you are honest enough to admit you're not sure...
About yourself, in some aspect.
How to be in a certain relationship.
Which road to take, as you stare at a fork in the road.
And/or... overwhelmed with everything going in the world!
...the reason you're not sure
is not why you think..
It's not a flaw in you.
It's a misunderstanding…
You're not sure because you've been seeking clarity and certainty in all the wrong places.
At the bottom of it, all our most important questions are dilemmas of the heart.
They are too complex and consequential for the surface of our minds to fathom and resolve.
The clarity, trust and courage
we seek is always available to us
if we know where to look…
The question underneath it all...

Does it really work?
all your questions answered...
What do you mean it's not a "retreat"?
The point of this is rather than to "getaway" it is to finally come back home and to live more our heart's realm. This is the only place where deeper clarity, courage, wisdom and fulfillment are found.
Also, the time in between our group sessions is not spent being away from the world but immersed with our loved ones and in solitude in a nourishing way.
Is it possible to connect deeply "online"?
Yes, when we are truly heart connected, we connect deeply through any medium, accross any distance. If we are in our heads, it doesn't matter if we are lying in a bed together, the connection is neither deep nor as true.
And, this experiential was not made as an adaption to COVID. We've been testing and pioneering how to create deep and genuine bonds online, for years.
Yeah, ok, but how does it really work?
The teachings are very simple and yet profound in terms of their immediate impact.
Everything we talk about we experience personally and reflect on together.
There is an amplified field of learning that comes from the group experience. We share deeply from our own experiences and are reflected on by others.
We keep it spacious and focused by capping it at 12 men, including myself as the lead.
We get even more intimate by splitting into small groups and 1-1.
What are the "lessons"?
There are no lessons, exactly. I will unveil to over 5 separate calls, The 5 Powers of The Heart which we will be exploring together.
See more below....
Call # 1
The Power to CLARIFY
Right away, we travel from our heads down to the heart of the matter. The rest of the weekend, we’ll be returning to strengthen our connection to this clarity and deeper knowing.
“I floored by how quickly this helped me to get clear. I had so many questions which were burning holes in my head. Now I feel certain and a bit nervous but I really do know what I need to do next....
Call #2
The Power to RECONCILE
In this call, we learn a simple body based path which helps men to quickly dissolve conflict, holding creative tension instead to become more dynamic in relationships, able to bring together estranged parties and forge deeper alliances.
“I never thought my wife and I would see eye to eye or get on the same page. She hasn’t changed one bit. It was me who made the bridge between us. I feel like a rock star seeing how disarmed she is when I do that...."
Call #3
The Power to TRANSFORM
When we engage with this innate power of the heart, magic happens in the form of “negative” emotions evolving into powerful positive states, evolving our thoughts, feelings and behaviour into more powerful and loving ways of being.
“I’m beside myself. I always feel better after one of these processes but it keeps getting better. I feel much more at peace and fucking good… How does this happen so again?"
Call #4
The Power to DISCERN
This is where most of us can get stuck. Having awakened the previous 3 powers of the heart, it becomes natural and easeful to assess complexity and choose the better way forward.
“Ok. I see new options, have made a decision and feel the courage to step forward. Shit!
Can we do this about other parts of my life?”
Call #5
The Power to FULFILL
Once men really get this lesson to understand the core of what creates negative and positive emotions and awaken their power to tend to what matters most, nothing stands in our way of being happier, healthier and cultivating true confidence and deeper intimacy.
“I can’t believe how much more joy, passion and confidence I feel… and I know it’s because I have been filling up that bowl and learning how to keep it full… what a paradigm shift.”
Remaining DETAILS
which matter
FRIDAY, Sept. 25
- Sunday, Sept 27
Friday @ 8pm - CLARIFY
Saturday @ 8am - RECONCILE
Sunday @ 9am ~ FULFILL
More about TIME commitment
Before the weekend ~ I will send you a few ways you can choose to prepare
During the retreat weekend ~ in between the calls, there will be some daring practices to take things further on your own and also encouragement to actively reflect and integrate. And also lots of spaciousness to rest and digest, spending time with people you love or in sweet solitude.
Each call will be 75 minutes split up roughly as follows...
10 - warming up
10 - teaching and evoking
20 - deep exploration
30 - sharing and responding
5 - Honouring & Closing
What about the COST?
Which means you decide what you feel is best to contribute.
I know some of us can get gummed up about $ so I offer a range to consider. To honour my time and commitment if I receive $50-150 from each man my heart will be grateful and full.
And if finances are really tight, the door will not be shut to any man who is sincere and ready for this deep dive.
Ready to
Wait! Why do I have to apply?
Two reasons.
One, this is an advanced training which will only make sense for certain men. The quick survey you fill out to apply will help us discern if you are ready for this.
Two, we're creating a sacred space together on this weekend. This is the first step to create that container.
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret:
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
~ St. Exupery